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The mission of the CITC (Construction In the Twenty-First Century) Conferences is to facilitate communication between multidisciplinary teams, especially those involved in engineering, management and technology. In this regard, interdisciplinary integration and international cooperation are encouraged. It is the purpose of CITC to provide an international forum for the discussion of topics important to developing new knowledge in construction and engineering disciplines.

An investigation of the critical factors affecting the delivery of low-income housing and their effects on residents’ satisfaction
Industrial Policy Impact Analysis on China’s Construction Industry Development
Comparison of Pavement Network Management Tools andIts Probabilistic of Pavement Engineering for Western Australia
Simulation-based productivity analysis of dynamic compaction operations
A Comparative Analysis of Flood Resistant Design and Construction Strategies in Australia and USA
Marketing New Home Construction: What Do Buyers Value?
Need of Marketing Strategies for the Winning Construction Company
Professional Ethics in Construction Industry
The Implementation of Project Management Performance Assessment Model (PMPM) to construction projects
An Assessment of Productivity Measurement Tools -Effectiveness, Satisfaction and Problems/ The Florida Construction Industry Experience
Suggested Formula to Predict Concrete Compressive Strength
Barriers in Adoption and Implementation Strategies for Building Information Modeling In Pakistan Construction Industry
Building Information Modeling (BIM) Application in Construction Planning
Will small and medium sized enterprises within the United Kingdom’s West Midlands region meet the challenge of implementing Building Information Modelling by 2016?
The Impacts of FOREX Fluctuations on Construction Business Performance/ An Organisational Capabilities Perspective
A Research on Factors Influencing Labor Cost of Construction Projects based on VAR Model
An Assessment of Clients Satisfaction Relative to Building Project Delivery in Nigeria
Uncertainties in subcontractor procurement/ the case of scaffolding
Performance Analysis of Construction Enterprises using Financial Ratios’ groupings/ An application in the British Construction Industry
Towards Effective Hedging For Construction Concessions Delays
Developed Design and Build- Changing procurement landscapes
An assessment of the effectiveness of learnership programmes in the South Africa Construction Industry
An exploratory study of the major causes of construction disputes in the South African construction sector
Delivering E-Learning in Project Management/ Determining Participants’ Infrastructure Priorities and Constraints
Energy Dissipation Potential of Concrete Floors Containing Temperature Shrinkage Control Reinforcements
Evaluation of Double Skin Facades
Gender Based Perceptions of Project Managers’ Attributes
Improvement of Energy Efficiency in Housing Sector of Pakistan
Insights about Concrete Spalling in a South African Region
Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Green Construction Sites
Role of Leadership towards implementing TQM/ The US Experience
Shear Capacity of Rectangular Industrial Duct Panel
Sustainability Assessment of Bitumen with Polyethylene as Polymer
Thermal Performance of Sustainable Building Skins in Hot Climate
Implementation of ISO 14001 Environmental Management System in the Macau Construction Industry
The Development of the Municipal Solid Waste Recycling Dynamic Model at Transfer Station
A Comparative Study of Classification Methods for Contractor Prequalification Models
Case Study: Cost Analysis For The Implementation Of The Clean Water Act And Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
Experience of using Delphi method in construction health and safety research
Challenges of Private Financing on Building Projects in Lagos State, Nigeria
Reducing Co2 emissions through the Code for Sustainable Homes – The Challenge for Housing Associations in the UK
A Study of Using Digital Photos to Document Construction Progress
A Preliminary Study of the Use of Tablets and Their Applications On Construction Jobsite Operations
Thoughts and Musings on the Development of a Theory for Rework Causation in Construction
Measuring Construction Safety Climate in Supervisory Environment with Multi-level Analysis on Projects in Pakistan
Relating Construction Safety Performance Lagging and Leading Indicators
Towards an Exploration of Safe Work Method Statements as a Safety Management Strategy in Construction: Background and Theory
Flexure Strength behavior of over Burnt Brick Ballast Aggregate Concrete
An Assessment of the Combined Effects of Quality and Safety on Construction Productivity- The US Experience
An Empirical Assessment of Factors Affecting Safety Performance of Subcontractors: The US Industry Perspective
Effectiveness of Polypropylene Fibre in Improving the Flexural Capabilities of Light Weight Aggregate Concrete
Investigating Delay Factors of Construction Projects in Metropolitan City of Lahore
Construction Delays: A Case Study of US Army Corps of Engineers
Engineering and Construction Expertise Transfusion: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Knowledge Management Program
Causes of Change Orders and Slippage of Schedule and cost Baselines in the Construction Projects in Pakistan
Comparative Analysis of D-Value and Finite Element Methods for A Multi- Storied Frame Structure
A Comparative Study of Classification Methods for Contractor Prequalification Models
A Pragmatic Review of Workforce Motivation, De-motivation and Job Performance in the South African construction industry
A Study of Using Digital Photos to Document Construction Progress
An Empirical Analysis of Macroeconomic Factor that Affect the International Construction Market
An investigation of the critical factors affecting the delivery of low-income housing and their effects
Construction Workers’ View on Standardised Work Procedures and its Influences on Freedom and Innovation
Contractor Quantity Surveyor Using ERP System in Cost Reporting
Contractors’ practices in bidding processes: a comparative study between China and Sweden
Engineering Graduates & the Practice of Construction Management
Evaluating U.S. Air Force Construction in Afghanistan: Applying Lessons Learned to Future Austere Construction
Improving Health and Safety Culture – A Guide for Construction Clients
Improving work-life balance of civil engineers in UAE
Information management/sharing problems during the inspection stage of construction: A case study in Australia
Integrated Project Delivery(IPD) for a Sustainable Design and Construction
Interorganizational Cost Management in Australian Construction Alliance
Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques Used in the Australian Construction Industry
Managing Occupational Health and Safety Risks in Precast Factories: A Case Study in Australia
On-site wear trials to determine construction workers’ preference for two types of cooling vest in combating heat stress
Probabilistic method to predict activity duration for critical path method with increased reliability
Procurement Development in the UK Construction Industry – A Literature Review
Recycled Aggregate Concrete Strength Development and Future Perspectives on Steel Fibers and Cost-benefit Analysis
Reducing Contract Risks through the Right Contracting Strategy
Relating Construction Safety Performance Lagging and Leading Indicators
Relationship between Head Contractors and Subcontractors
Sticky knowledge and the role of Human Resource management in facilitating the knowledge transfer process
Strategies to Manage Risks in Infrastructure Projects
Studies of Accident Costs and Safety Investment in Construction: The Hong Kong Experience
Sustainable Urban Consolidation in Australian Cities
The impact of information sharing misalignment in the Thai construction industry
Thoughts and Musings on the Development of a Theory for Rework Causation in Construction
User Satisfaction with Transport PPP projects: The Case of the Bangkok Mass Transit System (BTS)
Workplace safety implications of cultural diversity on Australian Construction Sites: A pilot study
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